With family antecedents en the exploitation of bovine livestock of milk, in El Puerto de Santa Maria, the siblings Romero Haploid acquires the property The Charcones, in the municipal term of Benalup in Sidonia (Cádiz), and the exploitation of bovine livestock of meat begins, with a flock of race retinta.

At the beginning of every 80´s decade, the decide to change of race for raise livestock of Pure Race Limousine, acquiring, in few years, two of the best cattle raising in the moment.


Been founded in 1972 by that magnificent cattleman who was Antonio Marquez, inscribed to his wife's name Conception Piquer López, she was punter, and resided in the country of Segovia, from the beginning in the National Auctions of sires of pure race's sires. This prestige was always laid in the magnificent origin of the females and male, cared from France, with contribution of good sires, among those, highlights the ÍNDEX bull, with mythical memory. His raceador´s power gave an important protagonism to this vacated whose products began to be known very soon in the cattle environment as the shells male and shells female. This appellative has always been synonym of quality. Acquired the cattle raising ( with the lawful to use the commercial name "Concha Piquer") for Juan Carlos and Augusto Romero Haupold, it was transferred to the property The Charcones.

At the beginning of the seventies, the siblings Peralta acquire a lot of heifers and the MEXICAN BULL which came to the cattle exhibition of the Fair from the Field. They resided this livestock tip in the swamp of the Guadalquivir, near to Almonte, in an area of gasses with an extraordinary hardness for some animals servants between the fog of the French Solid Power Station . The race Limousine demonstrated, once again, its extraordinary power of adaption. Of that livestock tip a cattle raising was born with a special characteristic .that characteristic was always the productivity, the wildness and the capacity of adaptation in everywhere. The siblings Romero Haupold buy Dehesa from Benalup, in the vicinities of The Charcones, and transfer there the "Viento Verde's cows" , that have just bought to Angel and Rafael Peralta.

Both vacated, begins to overturn a modern system of genetic, section, based on a rigorous control of the growths, productions and employment of sires from the discharge genetic and grateful prestige raced that, although they come preceded of the best guarantees, they are proven and contrasted before generalizing their employment.

"Don Juan": We feel truly proud of using as improvement of our cattle raising, to one of the best bulls in the whole history of the Race and that is, without a doubt, the most special bull in their generation

In 1991, in the General Competition in Paris was first in their section of young bulls and Great Champion of the Competition, unique circumstance in this important Competition in Paris.

Don Juan
Don Juan


"Duvalier": Is the only bull in Spain that, to the two years of arrival to our country, he gets that his son become Great Champion in Paris, in the Competition taken in 1999.

The children of Duvalier highlight for their childbirth easiness, the capacity milkmaid of their females, spectacular muscular development, their character raced and quality of assurances.

And "Joyau" : He is the Great Champion of the International Living room in Paris 1998. this bull is considered as example of the new program of improvement genetics of the limousines ( fertility, easiness childbirths, nursing, fast growth, conformatation and muscular development).


Juan Carlos Romero Haupold.Address nº 8, El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz)
Telephone: 956 87 63 64 Puerto de Sta. María: 956 54 24 29
Field The Charcones (Benalup): 956 23 30 76 Movil: 619 74 98 96